It's been 7 months.8 if we count our "enjoying the moment" part.I've been loving you every single moment of those 7 months but im not the least bit tired of it.
we've been through a hundred highs and lows, maybe even more.I can't say nothing's changed.That would be a lie.A lot has changed.Even when we dont want them to.But then again, maybe, those changes are good.They have helped shape what we have now.Its still not what most would consider the best and perfect relationship, but it is to me.And i hope it is to you too.
Remember the story of the missing piece?How the triangle couldn't find its perfect match so it rolled until its edges smoothed out and it became a circle?That's how i view us.But in a modified way.
We're 2 different pieces.Though we dont fit perfectly, we keep rolling anyway.Until all our edges have smoothed out and we become 1 circle.Its always gonna be like that.
If there's 1 thing i learned the past 7 monthsits this:
We might not welcome the change thats gonna happen.But it needs to happen for us to grow.For us to fit perfectly with each other.I realized, no 2 people are perfect for each other.And no 2 people are meant for one another.We choose who we're meant to be with.Just how we choose to either work at it or give up.By giving up, your letting go of all chances of the 2 of you being a circle.Just as by working at it, both your edges smooth out bit by bit.
After everything, im not the slightest bit ready to give up.But im every bit ready to be with you until who knows when, going through who knows what.
Sometimes everything is wrong but there's one thing that's so right, your willing to go through everything all over again.What we have, our relationship, our love, is one of those.
I love you.Happy 7th monthsary.